Sunday, October 21, 2018

Mini Lesson Reflection- Kahoot

I do think that my classmates/students learned what I wanted them to learn. Many students seemed to enjoy using Kahoot and almost everyone responded that they would use this in future classrooms. There were only a few questions, all which I was able to answer. I do think I could have improved on specificity in the tools that Kahoot has for teachers to use, such as usage of the leader board, the option for students to choose their own names or automatically selected names, usage of pictures, but I think for the time that I had I did well on teaching the main tools of Kahoot. I am proud of myself for being able to find and create something that the future teachers and students thoroughly enjoyed. I think my presentation and Kahoot itself was very fun and easy going. I am also proud of myself for be able to get back on track after I accidentally exited out of the browser, it was honestly a scary moment and I already knew I was short on time, but thankfully I recovered quickly. All in all, I think I did better than I thought and I have to forgive myself for my mistakes, since nothing will ever go exactly as planned. 


  1. Emilie--Your tool was a new one to me, and I enjoyed learning about it. It sounds like you prepared well and were ready for the curve balls that came your way.

  2. I really really enjoyed your presentation! I had never heard of Kahoot before and I can absolutely see myself using this tool as a teacher!
