Monday, November 5, 2018

An Eye Opening TED Talk-

TED Talk
What It's Like to be Muslim in America

This TED talk really opened my eyes. Having read through two of my stories and in the middle of three others, seeing this video truly helped me. Sometimes, no matter the character, I forget that they are more than a person on paper. This is something I am still working on, especially with my single story if Middle Eastern women. My goal for myself is to recognize that these women are human, just as much as I am. Seeing this video has really helped me. While Dalia Mogahed, the woman in the video, isn't currently living in the middle east, she is from Egypt and identifies as Muslim. I would encourage anyone who does not know much about that culture (like how I was walking into this project) this video will open your eyes. Not only is it educational, it reminds you that there is hope in this world. Dalia explains what it was like being Muslim the day after 9/11 and how it has shaped the world's stereotypes towards Muslim and middle eastern people. I encourage anyone to watch this.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. I wish you had put the name of the TED Talk and maybe even a link to it. That's the power of blogging over other forms of writing, don't you think? I continue to be impressed by your openness and enthusiasm for new ideas and challenges!
