Monday, September 24, 2018

Reaction Post to "Technology Lite"

This article reminds us that technology is something that we have to adapt to, and that it is okay to not "know" technology like the back of our hand. Being flexible like Gumby to technology prevents frustration on both the teacher and students. Sometimes technology is out of our hands (in terms of that unexpected hiccups can happen) and that it is us as teachers to adapt and plan accordingly with backups and help from others. And through others and my own education of technology I can provide students with other ways of exploring the material. If teachers were to shun away technology, students may miss understandings of the material that they would've gotten through multimedia.  After reading this I definitely felt okay with my insecurities with technology. I just have to prepare myself accordingly through education on technology, create plan Bs, and understand that technology is there to help, and as the article says, it can be rewarding for both the teacher and students.

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